Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Las Cruces NM to El Paso TX

We typically get away be 8:30 or 9am, regardless of how hard we try to move faster. Unfortunately, the wind was pushing across our path most of the way to El Paso. A cross wind is not as bad as into the wind...but it's still makes it difficult. We experienced lots of dust, but the roads were really quite good. Unfortunately we did not see any sign saying we had passed into Texas. I was hoping to take a picture of it.

We had arranged for a warmshower in El Paso with one of the people from the bicycle tour we met at the Black Range Lodge. Patty and her husband Roy live on the West Side of El Paso. El Paso has built up around a mountain...kind of in a horseshoe shape. We had to climb a few hills to get to there place. Roy met us there and was extremely generous is helping us prepare for the next 'leg' of our trip. He drove me down to the local supermarket and bicycle store to get supplies. He also lent us some of his tools to tune up our bikes. When Patty got home from work we all sat down to an excellent lasagna dinner!. We again got to sleep in separate rooms that night...what a treat....Taran typically hogs the bed or tent.

The next morning Roy and a friend of his George accompanied us up a long steep hill out of town. We could have gone through downtown El Paso which was flat, but the route Roy took us on avoided all the traffic and stop lights. When we got to the top of the hill, we bid adieu to George and Roy and enjoyed a 6 mile downhill run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making it to Texas!!
You guys should be very, very proud of yourselves, because we all are.
