Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday night phone call

After their longest day of this leg of their journey, Ian and Taran are in Dosewallups State Park. The ~38 mile ride was about 10 miles too long for them today. I'm sure they'll work up to being able to handle that easily but as a starting place they'd be better off in the 25 - 30 mile range.
They were up this morning by about 7:15 but weren't packed up, fed and gone until almost 10:30. They still made it to the park well before dark though so that's good. They have a serviced site tonight which they are glad of since they were far far from the water and the washrooms last night! Taran is a wee bit saddle sore tonight. Hopefully he won't have any lasting scars!
Tomorrow's ride is supposed to be about 29 miles so that should be nicer. Then on Wednesday they've got a 33 mile ride to Olympia and a cushy bed at the hostel before catching the bus on Thursday night.
If things go as planned and they get away at a good time tomorrow morning they are planning to hit a computer at some point and they would love to hear from anyone who feels up to dropping them a line... Ian's email is and Taran's is (okay - he's my kid - he can't spell! It was supposed to be taranasaur!)

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